Entries by StudioF

VIP Event

Promote your events, celebrate your sponsors, share information with the community. Video shares the experience better than words or still images.

Customer Testimonial

An authentic and genuine video testimonial can quickly build credibility and trust. Seeing another customer talk about their experience helps your prospective customers feel comfortable with you and your your business.

Introduce Your Brand

Successful brands are based on beliefs, not just products.  It’s difficult to get emotionally involved from a few still photos and a little text.  A talking head can be boring with a BIG B. But an intimate and interesting founder belief video can be the very best way to tell prospective customers about your business. This video […]

Demonstration Video

Video lets you to create and share engaging content with your audience in a way that plain text can never equal. People also love video because they don’t have the patience or time to read through a lengthy description. A video can offer viewers a flavor of the experience they will have at your location, […]

Vacation Activities

A variety of fun activities within walking distance make a vacation spot more desirable. This video features a bike ride to the nearby village. Guests see that they can easily walk to shopping, restaurants and bars from the property. This is a selling feature for this location that a video demonstrates far better than words.  

Emotional Selling

What do your customers desire? What do they find interesting and appealing? Purchasing decisions are based on emotional reasons and then later justified with logic. Drama and emotion will outsell logic and facts every single time. The more dramatic your story, the more emotioinal impact it has on viewers. When someone is dreaming of a […]

Sponsored Video

Right now is the time to broadcast your message to your target market using a combination of social media and video.  Get affordable exposure for your business, product or service by sponsoring one of our videos. We will work with you to identify subjects of interest to your specific market and create content appropriate for […]

Influence the Decision

When someone is actively searching for a product or service, your video can differentiate you from all of your competitors.  Well produced online video offers the visual impact of television at the very time prospects are ready to make a decision. This property tour video is a key component in the marketing of this beach […]