Vacation Marketing

A small beach vacation rental property with 9 cottages needed a website makeover and new photos and videos to reflect updated property amenities. The project was an overall marketing campaign that included a name change, website redesign, integration of social marketing and a YouTube channel featuring the new HD property videos.

The emphasis was on creating videos that show the unique personality of each of the different cottages. Viewership of the videos is high and serves to speed the reservation process since clients make selections based on the various sizes, levels, amenities and location on the property.  To accommodate the client’s budget, the photos were made using primarily natural light and 3 point lighting.

Sponsored By

Interesting and well attended local events offer an excellent opportunity for businesses to get exposure by sponsoring video. YouTube is the second most searched site on the internet, and when an event is upcoming people search for information and experience videos.

This video features a local annual event – Siesta Fiesta – that gets many searches online each year. It is an example of the type of content that can be sponsored. “Sponsored By” videos are a cost effective way to get exposure. They generally include the business name, address, logo, and website address as an opening and/or closing. They can also include a special offer or short business branding interview. When you associate your name with a frequently searched or popular event, you can get exposure every time that search is done. One expense, repeated exposure, year after year.

Expert Video

56%  of online users watch educational and “how-to” videos. Your customers would rather watch a video to understand your business.  A short video tells them more about your products or service than words alone possibly could.  Let people see your company in action and view you as an expert.

Run and Gun Video

Run and gun video is one take with the camera and a few simple edits. This is a fast, in-expensive video shot in a public location. A great way to get a low budget, but effective interview done with minimal disruption. Great for event news, company PR, responding to a rumor, or as a promotion during a trade show.